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bazaaryour.com sell fake bags Furla, sending different items

МнениеПубликувано на: 31 Юли 2019, 16:00
от edardstark
bazaaryour.com is selling fake bags Furla.
And that's not only one their scam action.
They are sending a totally different bag to the customer. If the customer don't want it - they are
trying to convince him to keep it.
If you want a refund - they give you an address in China, nevertheless that you have received the order from a country in EU.

Don't buy anything from this site! They are totally fraud.

Re: bazaaryour.com sell fake bags Furla, sending different i

МнениеПубликувано на: 31 Юли 2019, 18:43
от doondie
Is this actually a warning or an advertisement? :D

Either submit some proof about your claims, or don't bother. Right now, it's just your word and nothing to substantiate it.

I actually opened this thread to report it for spam but then looked at your posts and realised you were a genuine person, and hardly then did I bother to read it. lmao

Re: bazaaryour.com sell fake bags Furla, sending different i

МнениеПубликувано на: 01 Авг 2019, 10:26
от edardstark
It is not an advertising. Just the opposite. The bag in left is what I've ordered. The bag in right is what I've received. I've received it from The Netherlands. When I wanted to return it and get a refund - they gave me an address in China.
