Rushdoony was, and remains, a controversial figure, as does the Christian Reconstructionist movement that he was involved in.
Pointing to Rushdoony's dislike of democracy and tolerance and the wide use he would make of the death penalty, the British Centre for Science Education called him "a man every bit as potentially murderous as Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot or anyone else you may want to name amongst the annals of evil" and "a thoroughly evil man."
Racism and Holocaust denial
Rushdoony has been accused of Holocaust denial and racism.Rushdoony wrote that interracial marriage, which he referred to as "unequal yoking", should be made illegal. He also opposed "enforced integration", referred to Southern slavery as "benevolent", and said that "some people are by nature slaves".
In The Institutes of Biblical Law he uses the 1967 work Judaism and the Vatican by Léon de Poncins as a source for Paul Rassinier's figure of 1.2 million Jewish deaths during the Holocaust, and the claim that Raul Hilberg calculated the number at 896,292, and further asserts that very many of these died of epidemics. He calls the charge of 6 million Jewish deaths "false witness" against Germany. In 2000, Rushdoony stated concerning this passage in his Institutes "It was not my purpose to enter a debate over numbers, whether millions were killed, or tens of millions, an area which must be left to others with expertise in such matters. My point then and now is that in all such matters what the Ninth Commandment requires is the truth, not exaggeration, irrespective of the cause one seeks to serve." Carl R. Trueman, Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary wrote in 2009 regarding the passage and Rushdoony's Holocaust denial:
His sources are atrocious, secondhand, and unverified; that he held this position speaks volumes about this appalling incompetence as a historian, and one can only speculate as to why he held the position from a moral perspective... He deals with the matter under the issue of the ninth commandment and, ironically breaches it himself in his presentation of the matter.
Този човек призовава към тотална война към държавата..и т.н. и т.н. Не искам децата ми един ден да станат негови последователи, сектанти с промити мозъци. Моля ви това е твърде обезпокоително за мен, няма ли някакъв начин да бъде съден и спрян да води религиозната си пропаганда?
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Позорно „християнство” Тук той твърди , че невярващите в Бога(атеисти като мен) са зли. Те не говорили добри неща (Мат. 12:34 лалала) и сърцата ни били извратени..
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